who is julie?

Julie Garland McLellan helps directors to deliver governance that adds value without increasing cost.


As an experienced board director with current directorships, an international expert on corporate governance, and a corporate governance advisor to mid and small-cap boards, Julie champions the cause of directors required to shoulder enormous responsibility on a shoestring budget. Government sector, mid/small cap, and not-for-profit boards need tailored solutions, not cut down versions of programs designed to fit large listed boards.


Julie uses her real-life experience and deep knowledge of corporate governance to show boards with limited resources how to be more effective through practical governance innovation and know-how. She is the author of the Directors’ Dilemma Newsletter and five practical books that show how directors can respond to real-life situations with effective leadership.


Engage Julie to energise your conference with an interactive real-life case study, to facilitate your board workshop, or drive improved board and director performance by an insightful review.


Her ultimate objective is to empower directors to add value. Your board and company will gain insights and the skills to make a real difference.

Hire Julie to train your board using practical case studies